Saturday, June 28, 2008

Yeah, I Really Need to Update...

...the website!

These are some images from a session yesterday, what a little cutie patootie!!

These are her 3 year pictures which got me thinking. I took her 2 year pictures about a year ago and still haven't posted any examples on the website yet...I REALLY need to update the website!!!!!

Here are some pics from yesterdays session (and I promise to make work of updating the website soon):



She's like a little super model in training! I just pretty much let her do her thing and captured images along the way. Like this last picture, she picked the flower (well, it was actually a weed flower, clover I think) all on her own with absolutely no direction from her mother or myself. Kids, what a riot!

Rock On,
"CLICK photographic, Our images Only Look Expensive"

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